Find users in Azure B2C with graph api

Searching a user in Azure B2C with the graph api can be difficult. You need to know which field you need to get the right information. The documentation (if any) is always behind. Hopefully this post will help someone that needs to get some user information from Azure B2C.


You need an access token to query the B2C tenant. To get an accesstoken, follow my other blog that gives an introduction to Azure B2C.

Getting users

Above you see an example for getting all the users from your B2C tenant. Below you see a list for other queries that are more advanced. Change the tenant name.

Get all users{{tenant}}

Get User by displayName{{tenant}}$filter=displayName eq ‘Ralph Jansen’

Get User by objectId{{tenant}}

Get User by otherMails, userPrincipalName, mail{{tenant}}$filter=(otherMails/any(x:x eq ‘’) or userPrincipalName eq ‘’ or mail eq ‘’)

2 thoughts to “Find users in Azure B2C with graph api”

    1. You get this on which call? Also, this an older post. Using is recommended.

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